Category Archives: Bosnia

How was the Bosnia Trip?

From Bosnia Youth Workshops 2009

Youth Workshops

The main workshop was the digital storytelling workshop. The youth (ages 10 to 15) were divided by the Novi Most staff into three teams. They were told that this is a contest. They were to make a three-minute story that would tell an new kid about their home town, Capljina. Each team had a Novi Most staff adviser but they all created their own projects.

The three teams all made very good projects. I was able to provide limited guidance since I was unable to understand the actual story in their native language. They all finished their stories and then on Friday evening they were all shown in the city square. Everyone had a good time. One boy even said that he already knew what he wanted to do for his next project.

Encouragement and Support

We spent a good bit time with both Bernard the pastor and with Mick and Ali of Novi Most. They are on the front lines of the battle to bring the light of the Lord in that country. They really appreciated our presence and the fellowship time we had.

All in all, it was a good trip. All the travel went smoothly and all our connections went without a hitch. Will I go back next year? I’m going to wait to see how the Lord leads me. So I can’t really answer that now.

Link to: Bosnia Youth Workshops Blog and Bosnia Youth Workshops Picture Album.

Bosnia Trip 2009

May 16th, 2009

Dear Family and Friends,

Last year I decided to go on a short-term mission trip sponsored by my church, North Point Community Church. I went to Bosnia and Herzegovina at the end of July. It was a great trip and God used it in my life to help me come to know Him deeper. We also made great friends with those doing ministry in that country.

This year I’ve decided that it will be good to go back. The ministry team in Bosnia and Herzegovina needs our encouragement and support as they try to bring the love of God into the lives that have been deeply scared by past war wounds. We will be working with the same team at the Novi Most Center conducting Youth Workshops for the week of August 16th – 24th. We saw last year how the hurts of the past are impacting the kids. They are living with the baggage of their parents and their grandparents. The Novi Most Center is bringing the light and love of our Lord into those hurts.

I need your help. I need you to be part of my team. First, of course, I need your financial support. The total cost of the trip is $2,600. I’m tossing in a chunk of change for it but I also wanted to give you guys the opportunity to invest in it too. If you decide you want to be a part of it you can make a check out to “North Point Ministries” and send it to me. Or this year, you can go on line and make a donation through the GlobalX web site. There are directions below.

But the main thing I will need is for people to be on my prayer team. I am going to need much prayer through this whole trip. I need my team to be in prayer before we go, to be in prayer while we are there, and to pray for me after we get back. There will be many opportunities for God-moments. And I will need prayer to make the right choice each time. I will need prayer to get what God would want me to show.

Would you please consider being part of my team this Summer?


Patrick Bartkus

4911 Sturbridge Cres. NE

Roswell, GA 30075

Link to Bosnia Partner:

On Line Giving Instructions – Bosnia Youth Workshops

Go to

Click on the “give” on the top right hand side of the page.

Fill in your contact information.

Select the “Short-Term Mission Trip” radio button.

Under globalX Trip Information:
– select –Bosnia– in the “Country” drop down
– select –Bosnia Youth Workshops– in the “Trip” drop down
– Type my name in the “Individual” field.

Fill in the Credit Card Information. (They accept Visa or MasterCard)

Click “Review Donation Information” and finalize your transaction.

A confirmation e-mail will be sent to you and will serve as your receipt to use for tax purposes.

Thank you so much for your generosity in supporting what God is doing in Bosnia.