Category Archives: beard

It’s Done

I can’t believe I did it!

Yes, I did it. I shaved the whole thing off! I’m having a “reveal” party tonight so I won’t show you what I look like just yet. This is almost the last picture of me with whiskers.

It took the barber over an hour for the haircut and shave. He did many passes with hot towels, shaving cream, oil cream, and the razor.

I’m going to create a video of the whole thing. It is going to be my next video story.

In the mean time. Here’s a teaser photo:

From The Great Shave

Mark your Calendar

The date is Oct 5th

That is the date I will go to a barber shop and go under the straight razor. I’m going to a local barber that still uses a straight razor and he will do it the old-fashioned way. I’ve got a couple of friends who are coming with me to video tape the whole process. I plan on putting together a story video with the footage at a later time.


I am having a “coming clean (shaven)” reveal party that night. If you need details, e-mail me and I’ll send you an e-vite with directions. It looks like it is going to be a fun party with food and games.

What will I look like?

I don’t know. It has been since April 12, 1972 that I’ve been completely with no facial hair. That’s 36 years. Hopefully, I’ll look better. If I don’t like it I can always grow it back but it will be a while before I decide that.